Thursday, June 2, 2011

College is Kicking my Trash!

This first semester is kicking my trash. I am super slammed with reading multiple chapters a night, working on 3-5 page papers, and trying to get all of my observation hours in. It has been a little rough but that is the reason that I took the summer semester. In order to get done on time I am going to have to take 18 credits a semester and I knew that by doing the faster paced summer semester I would be prepared come the fall semester. I know that this is all going to be worth it in the end but right now I would just like to breathe.


The VIPs said...

I would also just like to breathe. We should try it together.

The Henriksons said...

It will be so worth it when you are done!! Hang in there and good luck. Millie

SL&G said...

You can do it!!! Maybe I should stop talking to you for might help you get some school work done :)