Wednesday, February 18, 2009

So recently have been trying to convince Becky that we need to get a VW bus and drive the country for awhile. She is not giving in, which I knew would be the case but I think that I am wearing her down slowly but surely. I am not sure where this idea is coming from exactly but I have the urge to jump in a bus and head out to the coast. We would just chill for a few months roaming up and down the coast just kicking it in little towns. I think that it would be a blast and carefree for awhile (at least until Becky freaked out and then it wouldn't be so carefree). How cool would it be to just get out of town and live the life? AMAZING! Hopefully I can talk Becky into and then we can take off for awhile and leave the rat race behind for a time. Here's to the open road.

(Photo from


The VIPs said...

hanging out on the coast?


spending weeks in a VW Bus?

Not so much.

Nothing against VW Buses but I like to take a shower every morning.

SL&G said...

I love the picture of the trailer! I want one just like that its too cute! Sounds like a good plan to me. I could live without a shower for a few days for a nice getaway.

Vip said...

We would be staying in campgrounds so you could shower. That would be my compromise with you.

Lyric, the trailer is cute and it would be a blast to hang out in. I would rather do it in a VW bus but I could do it in a trailer too.

The VIPs said...

alright- but only if we can camp at Beverly Beach cause they have the best bathrooms.

The Henriksons said...

Rob and I dream of the day we can buy place at the beach and retire there. Then you could all come and park your trailers and VW buses and have a shower and house if you want!! Millie

Anonymous said...

You know, Becky, they have a shower in many of the camper models. It's an attachment for the sink...

Imagine for a moment being in nature... naked... taking a warm shower right outside. Outdoor showers are really popular on coastal houses, even in places like Maine where the thought of being naked outdoors stirs a certain degree of "turtle syndrome."

Even the old classics have that have the camper setup offer the shower attachment. You could have your cake and eat it too!