Monday, May 10, 2010

My Mom is Better Than Your Mom!

What can I say about my mom that you don't already know? This picture was taken because it was picture day at the middle school where my mom worked. I was there hanging out because unlike other kids I liked to hang out with my mom during her breaks at school. I don't remember how this picture came about but I remember being excited to be in it. My mom and I have always had a really good relationship and I think it is because we are a lot alike. It is easy to talk to her and we see eye to eye on a lot of things. My mom has done so much for me and now does so much for my family. She is a hard working teacher that, although will tell you she hates teaching, loves what she does. The only thing that she ever asks of me is to see me and my family. For the record I would like to see her more as well. She is a loving mother and to that I am grateful. We are friends, she is mom and I love her. But you already knew that.


SL&G said...

Haha! Love that picture! Your hair is the best part! She sure is a great MOM!

The VIPs said...

I agree with everything- especially Lyric's comment about your hair

The Henriksons said...

You do have a pretty good mom. She is the best aunt and a great friend too. Oh, and I love the hair do! Millie

MaudieV said...

I have been so busy, I just got to the blogs and that's just because i had to check out Becky's newest. Thanks so much for all your kind words. I love you, too but I question your choice of pictures.