Thursday, July 12, 2012

My Reading List is Better than your Reading List

Earlier this year I started a collection of books that I wanted to read over the summer. It included a variety of books from historical, biographical, fictional, a classic, and one that I thought would be a great book because I love the show Destination Truth on SyFy. So far I have finished two and I am on to the third. With less than two months left and the GRE coming up I am nervous that I will not finish all the books on the list. Regardless I thought that I should share the two that I have read with my loyal readers.

The first book that I started was a book by Tony Horwitz about confederate reenactors in the South and how the Civil War is still going on in some places. The book travels through several different battle sites and even on a Civil Wargasm where Tony and a friend try to hit as many Civil War spots as they can in a week. The book offers reasons for southerners attitude toward the Civil War and I found it very interesting because I could relate to many stories since I had served my mission in the South and seen many people flying Confederate flags or shirts. The Civil War is still raging in the South and I am sure that it will for years to come. As one ward mission leader told me; "The war between the states ain't over, we're just waiting for a good time to attack."

The second book that I finished this is Destination Truth: Memoirs of a Monster Hunter. Anyone that has read my blog from the beginning may recognize the name Josh Gates. Josh was on my man-crush list a few years ago and was even in the top two. When this book came out I told Becky that I wanted to read it and see all the fun that Josh had behind the scenes. For my birthday Becky surprised me with the book and I put it on the shelf because I was in the middle of my semester. The other night I was explaining the book list to Becky and trying to see if I could get through the entire list before the summer was over. She said that she was bummed that Destination Truth was not on the list. To be honest I had forgotten about it when I put it on the shelf mid-semester. I was so excited to pull it out and read it this past week because the season premiere of Destination Truth was on Tuesday and I was more than half way through the book.

Josh shares a lot of behind the scenes experiences from the show but also some personal experiences from before becoming the Monster Hunter. You can hear Josh in his writing and it was so much fun to read. I was prepared to watch the premiere on Tuesday and sat on the edge of my seat thinking of all the things that were going on behind the scenes to make these trips work. The book also offers some insight into travel and finding yourself (if you haven't already). It was a great read and I would recommend it to anyone that likes the show or just has a man-crush on the author.

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