Seriously this is going to be the last time today. I have just felt all day that I should say something about the birth of Marc's boy (not that it isn't yours as well Ashely, I am not leaving you out just this is Marc's post) over the weekend. I have pondered the birth of Drage over the last few days and I think that this is the best thing for Marc at this time in his life. Marc has worked so hard to be here today and if there is one thing that he has wanted above anything else it is a child. To watch him with Orlando you knew that is what Marc wanted to be and that he was going to be good at it. This time is different as Drage is Marc's own child, he will look like Marc, he will talk like Marc, and he will act like Marc (lets hope that he takes after Ashely in this department). The best thing about it is that Marc and Ashley have the opportunity to shape their sons ideas about the world the way that they want. They get to decide together how they want to parent and no one gets to tell them otherwise.
Lastly I want to tell Marc how proud I am of him. I always thought that it would be hard to be the father of someone elses child but he treated Orlando like he was his own and in the long run it has paid off. He now has his own son to teach things to. He has his own son to wrestle with, to play catch with, and tick Ashley off with. Marc, you have someone that will love you unconditionally regardless if you make millions or nothing. You have a wonderful little boy that is going to be just like you. One that looks like and acts like you. If this were a toast, which it isn't for those of you who thought it was, this is where I would raise my glass. I hope that you can treat your son with the love, compassion and respect that you showed to Orlando. I know that you will. I love you guys and I hope the best for your family.