Friday, March 6, 2009

The Road

I have had a few people ask me why I liked The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I appreciated Aunt Millie's post and left a comment but it became too long and I finally scrapped the idea and thought that I would post a response here. I really liked The Road for a couple of reasons. I think that it was wonderfully written, to the point that you felt you were in this bleak landscape with this father and son. At times I found myself checking my surroundings to make sure that I was still in the comfort of my home. Cormac McCarthy does a great job of getting the reader into the story and a part of the book, and I love books like that. The second thing was that all though the book was full of despair there was a theme of love between the father and son. That theme was a beautiful depiction of a fathers love for his son. I don't know if it is because I am a father now, but that depiction really hit me. The father was willing to do anything for his son just to keep him safe. What a great book and I would be willing to recommend it to anyone.


The VIPs said...

I have not read The Road, but I do like your choice of song for this post. One of my very favorites.

The Henriksons said...

The dad does do a good job of taking care of his son and preparing for life with out him. Just so depressing!! Of course I did read it in a day because I had a hard time putting it down. Happy Birthday Justin!! Millie