Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Extra Extra, read all about it!

So things are not looking so good at the newspaper these days. Unlike days of old when the newspaper was one of the few ways to get your news, there are many ways today. Right now at The Idaho Statesman we are going through a few cut backs and lay-offs. It is feeling like a wake and it stinks to go to work. Most days you show up and everyone is talking in hushed tones and rumors. There are closed door management meetings everyday and they won't tell you what is going on. Everything is a well known secret and it is starting to drive me crazy. Everyone knows that something is going on but no one will tell you. I really feel that the management should be upfront with us and just let us know what is going on rather then keeping it a big secret. These secrets are are more damaging then if the big wigs were to just tell you the truth. Also there is going to be some restructuring, I feel that there should be some employees in these meetings so that the management can get a true idea of what is going on in the real world instead of there false idea that everyone is doing fine. I get tired of hearing about sweet restaurants that our management get to go to while I am eating at home to save money. One of my managers was telling me about this place I should try the other day. He said that it wasn't priced to bad at $15.00 a plate. Jeez I can't eat off a regular menu at McDonald's right now let alone pay $15.00 per plate. I can't wait until this whole thing is over. I know that some people are going to lose their jobs and that is not cool but it will be better then sitting around the office with everyone mad all the time.


SL&G said...

Thats a bummer deal. Good Luck with everything! I love the picture your posted.

Lauren said...

Sadly enough, I think it'll get worse. Good luck Vip.

Vip said...

I agree Lauren, I think that it is going to get worse. Luckily we are changing the commission plan so it should get a little bit better for us personally. Thanks for your concern though.