Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I am getting tired of everyone saying that Obama is the anti-Christ and that he is going to lead the U.S. down a road of destruction. I have heard a lot of people out there say that the country was going to be flipped upside because Obama was elected. Some people really believe that Obama is going to come in and turn the United States into a socialist country. I can not believe that these people can honestly think this and I think that if they do believe that they have no idea about politics and the way that our government is set up. We have a system of checks and balances and it is not like Obama is going to come in and turn America into Cuba. With the way things are how can anybody say that we don't need some sort of change? How can anybody hope that Obama fails when we as a country are in such a horrible economic time? I know that some family members are not going to agree with me and that is fine. You don't have to agree with me but I do think that you have to get in the boat and lets start moving this ship forward. We can't do that by thinking that Rush Limbaugh is right in saying that he hopes Obama fails. We all have something invested in this country and we are not going to go anywhere if we don't band together and make something happen. We need to quit our backbiting and move forward. This goes for those who are tired of Bush as well. We can't sit around blaming him for the economy for the next four years and think that things are going to get better. We need to move on and get to work. All I am saying is that the country is going to be fine, it always is. My parents hated Clinton but the country is still here sixteen years later. I have friends who hate Bush but the country is still here eight years later. We need to pull together now and make this work.


The VIPs said...

Good post babe and your song to go with it made me laugh. Good choice on that and it's David Bowie to boot. Excellent.

The VIPs said...

But you didn't use my favorite picture of Obama. Guess I'll have to get up the nerve to use it on my own blog

Vip said...

Yeah the first one is good but the second one is even better. Kind of a slam, listen to it and you will hear it. Also I didn't want to steal your thunder so I left that picture for you.

Anonymous said...

I must agree, once again. Brilliantly said. I see you fought the urge to "stick it to the man" today. I don't know how... but here's to your will power!

MaudieV said...

Let's get this straight. It's not that I hated Clinton. I just didn't dare voice my opinion because then I get an earful. I'm not saying I was for the man, just wasn't as negative as some in my household. However, I still love your Dad and his opinion. He keeps me interested in politics and what is happening in our country. Nice post. I agree.

Anonymous said...

Well said Justin! I'm hearing more and more, even from people who voted for Obama that he's leading our country down a pot hole. In my opinion, it's each individual's responsiblity to live their best and strive for change in their communities. For all those people who think the US president did all these things on his own, get off your butts and get out in your community and do some good!

Vip said...

Mom, this was not a slam to you or dad and I know how it can be and I think that you do a great job. I brought you up because I remember the Clinton years not being so great in our house.

Angela, I totally agree and that is the reason for this post. It seems that the right and the left are always blaming each other and I really think that we need to just get work and get this thing moving in the right direction.

Chris, Thanks for your comments I always respect your opinion.

The VIPs said...

and what am I? chopped liver?

(just kidding, you already responded to my comment)

Vip said...

The VIPs, if that is your real name, you make a good point on my music. Yes I am a musical history genius and know everything there is to know about classic rock. Also I didn't use your picture because that is your favorite picture not mine. You know which picture is my favorite and I couldn't use it because I was being censored by the man again (well my wife who always tells me what I can and cannot do).